Monday, December 7, 2015

12.8.15 General Hand Parent Meeting

Expect the Best
Mrs. Lisa Thurman honored at the district "Expect The Best" Ceremony.
Lisa will graduate triplets this year at TNHS!

12.8.15 Meeting

  1. Parent Partnership E-Cards (All Parents)
  2. Read Aloud Norms (Wes)
  3. Parent CAREBook & Goal Setting Revisited - 80% (Wes - 5 min.)
  4. Missing Piece Dialogue
  5. LEADER Luncheon (Amy & Lisa)
  6. House Parent Roles (Small Groups - 20 min)
    1. Immediate Needs
    2. Long-Term Needs
  7. Gratitude Circles (Small Groups - 5 min.)
    1. What gifts did we share today?

Wonderings...Association and Parent Prom...