Monday, September 5, 2016

September 2016 - Parent Gift Card Collection

The 2015-2016 General Hand Team Writing Parent E-Cards
As we continue to grow as a community, becoming aware of and utilizing parent gifts will be instrumental for our student's success! 

The TNHS Parent Gift card came out of conversation with our parent General Hand team last year. We recognized that in order for our houses to grow, parent LEADERship was essential. 

Here are a few frequently asked questions and responses. 

What is a gift? 
A strength, talent, experience, profession that you as a parent want to share with our community. 

Why gift cards? 
The gift cards will be utilized by house parents to begin organizing important parent information. This information will be used to CONNECT parent gifts with opportunities at TNHS.

To learn more watch this video from Mrs. Vincent and Mr. Mudd. Yes. 

Interested in giving even more to our Generals? 
Consider becoming a House Parent and marking the box on the gift card. A House LEADER will follow-up with you in the coming weeks. :)