Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Chromebook CARETaking. YES!

We are excited to be launching our 1:1 Chromebook initiative. Any family who did not attend HOUSEWarming may complete the Chromebook CARE Camp by watching THIS VIDEO and completing THIS FORM. These resources are also available on the school website under "TNHS Basics".

The Chromebook CARE Camp Form also serves as our acceptable use permission form. This means your student will not be permitted to have access to use of the internet without parent completion of the form.

Any student who is new to the district and does not yet have a Google account will need to inform their Care & Connect LEADER. Once the C&C LEADER records their name on our internal sheet, your student's account will be created within 2 days. 

If you or your student experience any issues with the Chromebook or Google Account, please contact our Media Specialist, Jill Mattingly.