Sunday, September 27, 2015

10.13.15 General Hand Meeting - Purpose, Goals, Gifts (6:00 PM to 7:00 PM)

1. Partnering with Parent Cards (10 min.) Everyone
    Peter Block Visit to Cincy anyone?
2. Review Being Awesome Commitments (2 min.) Mr. Bradley
3. What is our purpose? Why does the General Hand Exist (20 min.) 
4. Our Goals: What % of parents do we want to honor? (10 min.)
5. The Parent Gift Sheet & Confidentiality Training (10 min)  
6. Gratitude Circle (5 min.)

Monday, September 21, 2015

The General: September 2015 Issue

As our school community has grown over the past three years, so has the notion of student LEADERship. This year, we have no fewer than 75 students serving in active leadership roles within their schedules beyond the traditional classroom each day. This brief video highlights leadership roles across the 

Celebrating TELL Kentucky Winners Circle Award: Excellence in Culture, Achievement, and Safety
We are excited to celebrate with our team of classroom LEADERs are nomination as one of the top schools in the state for Culture, Achievement, and School Safety. To find out more about the TELL Kentucky Winners Circle click here. Check out our remarkable House LEADERs below. 
(From Left to Right) Mrs. Nokes, Mr. Hammond, Mrs. Cornish, Mr. Mudd