Tuesday, July 31, 2018

We can't wait to see YOU Thursday (8.2.18 5-8pm)

Hello General Families,

Above is a video outlining what to expect on Thursday, August 2.

A few notes to consider include:
  • Please arrive by 5pm to allow your General time to retrieve schedules from CARE & CONNECT LEADERs and view classes. Our Future Story Support LEADERs, Mrs.Julia Thomas and Mr.Kyle Thomas take much PRIDE and CARE into the scheduling process to ensure your General is able to pursue the pathway of their desire.
  • Chromebook distribution will be reserved for 5:30-6:00 and will take place in your General's CARE & CONNECT room.
  • Before Chromebooks are released into the CARE of the student, families will be asked to view the acceptable use policy, linked HERE and complete the Google Form, linked HERE. If your General is 18 years old, they are permitted to complete the Google Form on their own. Otherwise, both the student and the parent will need to complete Google Forms per district policy.
  • If you would like to get a head start on completing these forms, feel free to do so now. 
  • If you are unable to attend HOUSEWarming, please complete the forms to enable your child to retrieve their Chromebook from their CARE & CONNECT LEADER on the first day of school.
  • Supply List can be found HERE. (Please note, the issued Chromebook, paper, and pencil should be all students need for the first week of school unless otherwise noted by the LEADER on HOUSEWarming night)
  • If you would like to view the Google slides with the information from the video, including the map, please click HERE.
We look forward to seeing each of you on Thursday at 5pm!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

HOUSEWarming 8.2.2018

August 2, 2018 will mark our annual back to school night, with a little twist. This year we will be hosting this special event as a HOUSEWarming. YES.

How we will spend our time together:
5:00-5:30 Schedules and LEADER Meet and Greet
5:30-6:00 Digital CARETaking & Chromebook Distribution
6:00-6:30 Care & Connect Lesson (Students & Parents Together=YES)
6:30-7:30 HOUSEWarming HOUSE Pride Rally (Students & Parents Competing= YES)

We hope to see each of you there to experience our HOUSE COMMUNITY, learn more about Digital CARETaking as Thomas Nelson goes to a 1:1 technology model, and compete in our first ever HOUSEWarming HOUSE Pride Rally. Will you be the one to raise the flag?